We are 24 hours from the start of the 2007 dove season, and the excitement is building. The weather has been very dovey lately and that has got me in the mood. The oppressive heat, the heavy humidity, and the drone of locusts have all triggered my building desire to get out in the field. A week ago I couldn't stand it any longer and reconned two of the popular first day dove hunting sites. Stepping into the dusty heat of grasslands and farm fields filled me with almost ecstasy at what I knew was only a week away. On a technical side, the setups of these state managed areas were average at best and due to the oppressive afternoon heat (over 100 degrees), I saw few birds. The ones I did see were led in mind's eye with the barrel of my imaginary shotgun.
As excited as I am about the new season, I can't help but feel a tinge of melancholy. The first few years I hunted I (and the King) did so with a freedom that we can no longer recreate. Natural changes in our lives have made the former almost daily treks to the field impossible. Responsibilities mean that hunting can not always be a priority and while I wouldn't change my circumstances, I will always look back on those days with a smile and be glad I had that opportunity. A positive is that now every hunt is treated like a bubble of freedom and valued regardless of the outcome. Truly, "just being there," has surpassed the success or failure of the hunt. Such is the nature of modernity and being a man.
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