Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Can't Take it Away

It is often a curse of humanity that we can relive the past but cannot change it. But it can also be a blessing. Today was the perfect dove day; upper seventies, crisp blue sky, light breeze. In previous years, I would be walking through the buckwheat on a day like today enjoying the perfection of pre-fall. This year I spent the day wedged up under a sink fixing a leaky faucet. The house, it turns out, is a fixer-upper. But I knew that going in, and while the timing could have been better, I willingly accept the current chaos for a better quality of life tomorrow. However, today, when I heard the locusts buzzing and saw that blue sky and felt the pull of the field, I felt trapped; trapped again in maturity and responsibility. But it quickly passed, because my spirit only had to travel through the escape route of my memory. With a firing of a neuron, I was back. The King and I flushing, hunting and bringing down birds. Later, looking at the website, I again relived the past days afield. And no matter where I am, or what I may be doing, no one can take that away.


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